Thursday, February 24, 2011

belajar untuk terima hakikat..

huhuhu..kenape semue ni msti nia rase?
kenape ble da mula sayang kt seseorang tu..tbe2 je kenangan die dtg balik.
im totally speechless..
i dont know what to say..
berbekalkn sokongan dari mama.kaka.fahmi.yaya.fya.izmeer syafique....
nia try utk kuat :)
even sebenanye ta boleh na kuat pon :(
tapi nak buat mcm mne kn..
da takde jodo..huhu..menanges sampai kua aermate darah sekali pun..
ta semestinye die akn kembali kt kite.
kn kn..
maybe btol cakap mama..muda lagi..panjang lagi perjalanan kitee.. sekarang ni cter pasal pejalanan sekarang..
sedehh sangat oh..
mmg life ni ta pnah kosong dari masalah kn?
dugaan hidup la katekan..
nia berpegang pada kate kate.."setiap yang berlaku mesti ade hikmahnye"
even now still ta dpt jwpn yg sebenanye..
makin betambah masalah lagi adela..
haehh..saba jelaa..
baru terpikir nak serious dalam relation..baru je na belajar untuk taruh kan hati ni untuk seseorang..
tibetibe je bende yang tak jangka terjadi..
its okay..start from now..i try to accept all this..
nia cube untuk redha je dgn semue ni..
walopon perlukan mase..
uhuhu..mmg la baru lagi da perasaan ni mcm ni..nak buat mcm mne kn.. nia da decide untuk back sorry..but i had out of my mind..
u really need ur past..u cant live without ur past..thats YOU.
:) as long as u happy..nia pon happy :)
even i dont really know who you are..bcoz i dont even know you friends..all about you..i just know YOU..what YOU have show who YOU are towards me..whatever people want to say about u..i try to not believe it..bcoz i just think that u are too perfect for me..huhuhu..
even whatever kind of game are u trying to play with me.. totally INTO YOU...
but what can i do..u are just my best memory i ever had..
thanks for gimme a chance to spread how i feel about LOVE..
thanks to you for make me happy..make me feel im the luckiest girl in the world..
thanks for the blog..thanks for evrithing..thank you so muchh!!!!
 p/s:i will neva forget you..bcoz i do love you :D

*mane ade menanges tulis mende alah ni =,='
may god bless me in whatever i do..

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